Monday, September 2, 2013

Birthday Party

Ryan turned one year, exactly 1 month are a bit late.

She is growing by leaps and bounds, and her babbling is amazing.  She babbles dadadada and mamama.  She knows many words including her name, no, yes, food, milk, Bryce, mommy & daddy.  She probably actually knows more than just those, but those are the ones I am confident she knows well.

She had another appointment with our's amazing how Ryan went from zero response to a confident response to sound.  We tweaked her mapping settings (ignore my incorrect terminology), and now, I cannot even explain how much more she is saying, just in the last 5 days.  She just exploded with babbling all different noises.  So great.

Girl has what I would call a serious no-nonsense attitude.  Do not mess with her... and at the same time, she is very stubborn.  She doesn't walk pretty much because she doesn't feel like it.  She cruises everywhere, she holds one hand and walks, and yet, she would rather be carried.  Sigh.  

Anyway, enjoy the pics!