So I would just like to have a serious discussion with the person who said that dogs (or cats) prepares you for the responsibility of having a child. 'Yah, not so much' would be my response to this person.
When my little precious yorkie, Rudy, came to live with me at the very young age of 12 weeks, we became best buds. (Nevermind he absolutely hates strangers and he may nip at you if you try to pet him). Rudy was a lot of work in the beginning, or so I thought-- but over the last six and half years, the work has become minimal. When he's hungry, I scoop a bit of dog food and put it in his bowl. When he needs to go to the bathroom, he's has about a 95% success rate of using the backyard to relieve himself. When I go to work or need to run errands, he can be left alone for most of the day, without even a thought. When he needs a bath (every two weeks-- no judgement), I either throw him in the sink and bathe him myself, or off to the groomer he goes. And, most importantly, when he needs to sleep at night-- he sleeps all through the night in his little home. I never have to get up during the night to feed or change him! So awesome!
I just wanted to point out that the wise person who once said that pets are a good preparation for having kids obviously never had kids of his or her own.
Here are some more pics:
Who do you think dressed him and took pics this day?
Love it!
Raise your hands in the air...
Mom and son love our sun glasses!
Katie you are looking sooo good! Keep up with the breast feeding - it's one of the best things you can do for him right now :) If he only just fits the newborn clothes it will take ages for the ones I just sent - oops!