So much for my perfect baby...
- Cries vigorously for long periods, despite efforts to console
- Symptoms occur around the same time each day or night, often after meal times, and usually ending as abruptly as they began
- Shows signs of gas discomfort and abdominal bloating
- Has a hard, distended stomach, with knees pulled to the chest, clenched fists, flailing arms and legs, and an arched back
- Experiences frequent sleeplessness, irritability and fussiness
Bryce is definitely a candidate here. The last two weeks have really taken a toll on mom (and dad when he's not traveling). He cries typically from 7pm until 1am and it's happening EVERY night (I only wish I was exaggerating here). I think there was one glorious night last week when it didn't happen. And, when he cries, he wails. He swings his arms like he is swimming and his legs go up and down, into and out of his chest. (If it weren't so sad, it would be comical.)
The worst is when he's awake all day, because it really doesn't give me a break from entertaining him (which is really a lot of fun)-- and then into the evening he just goes to town on the crying. You would think that since he's been awake all day he would be a good little sleeper, but nope, it's almost worse when he doesn't sleep during he day.
So there are a lot of different 'causes' for a colicky baby: my diet, him breathing in too much air during nursing, immature digestive system, among a few others. If the mom is aware of which foods is affecting the baby, then she is advised to stop eating them. I personally have no clue what may be bringing this on. Pretty much the only thing to do is wait it out-- this stops around three months. Yay-- two more months.
I know many moms and dads have survived this-- so can we. Ugh.
So sorry to hear that you are having to deal with colic...the good news is that he will grow out of it! Some of the best things you can do is swaddle him and use rocking motions according to my preceptor. Also you can try decreasing eggs, peanuts, wheat and shellfish, as they could be the foods causing you problems :) Can't wait to see you guys in November!