You might be fooled by how great of parents you think Sean and I are to Bryce. But let me just tell you how not awesome we are.
Let's start from the beginning. First, Sean, Bryce and I ventured over to Ridgway, Colorado this year for Christmas. My parents bought a vacation home up on this mountain where there are members of a golf country club. The home is also about 35 miles away from the popular ski resort of Telluride.
The plane ride went really well for the most part. We had to leave the house at 4am the morning of the 23rd, where we caught our flight from Philly to Atlanta. Although long lines awaited us at the airport, checking in and getting through security was virtually painless. Bryce slept much of the flight and we were so lucky because Sean and I got a row of three to ourselves. Once we arrived in Atlanta I had to find a place to pump-- fun times. Accomplished.
Our layover was short lived (thank goodness), and despite our plane waiting in line on the runway, the airlines were on time for the most part. The second part of our trip was 3.5 hours, and Bryce was getting so ancy because he was so tired since we were up so early and he really didn't have quality sleep on the first flight. Thank God that this flight was also not full, and after a 20 minute temper tantrum, I moved to an open row of two where I could lay Bryce on his back in the seat next to me...lifesaver. I think everyone on the plane also appreciated it.
Okay, so here is the bad parenting. Since we have been here (a total of three days and two nights), Sean and I have been skiing our little hearts out. Up at the crack of dawn to get in two full days of skiing-- grammy is heaven watching our baby, so I don't feel bad there. I do feel bad about leaving him with her today-- CHRISTMAS-- of all days to hit the slopes.
Oh well, he'll live and he'll never remember. Anyway, I think we're celebrating Christmas more tomorrow when my brothers arrive.
I'll definitely take some pics of the new area. We all love it-- such a great getaway and so much fun being only 45 minutes away from a great ski mountain.
We hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Christmas!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
A Letter from Bryce
Dear Mommy Friends,
I am having soo much fun being 15 weeks old. I love my mommy and daddy so much. My daddy is so silly-- he makes so many funny faces at me that I can't help but smile all the time when he's talking to me. Daddy also likes to play Bob Dylan music for me. I don't mind, but mommy doesn't like Mr. Dylan, so I don't know how long that will last. I will say that I also enjoy it when daddy sings ABC's to me. I sing right back with him-- I love the alphabet song, and I think I'm getting the hang of it. Mommy and daddy just think that I coo-- but I'm really singing right along.
I love my mommy too. She's so comforting. Whenever I'm upset, I just know that she is going to pick me right up and hug me. She's so good, she knows when I'm tired, when I'm hungry, or when I'm just plain fussy. I try to be good for her. I try to sleep through the night so she doesn't have to get up to comfort me. I think I'm doing a pretty good job at this because I can't remember the last time I was even up in the middle of the night. After I have dinner at 7pm and mommy reads to me, I usually get tucked in to my crib around 8pm.
Mommy always has to wake me up at 7am. I have to stay on her schedule, because she's got to get to work on time. She always sings loud to me to wake me up at 7am-- I'm not a huge morning person, so this kind of annoys me. I just want to keep on sleeping. But once I'm up, I get dressed for the day, eat my breakfast of champions (or so my mommy says because it's 7oz I eat) and off we go to school. She also always seems a bit stressed about my eating because I sure do eat a lot-- but she says she's still able to pump more than I eat per day-- I'm not sure what that means, but I think it means I have plenty of food.
I love school. I love my teachers. They are so helpful and so great. I'm pretty well behaved there too and I have made a lot of friends. Ms. Lisa and Ms. Linda are who I spend most of my day with along with four other infants all around my age. We have a lot of fun and they send me home with a daily report card to let mommy and daddy know what I did that day.
Well mommy friends, I hope I can steal mommy's computer and write more often. Love you all.
Bryce (or as mommy and daddy often call me-- Brycie)
Here are some recent picks mommy took of me in my new Uggs. They say I have big cheeks too.
Thursday, December 9, 2010
I must say I was thinking about some of my goals I set the other day-- post pregnancy goals. One of them was my breast feeding goal. When I told my OB/GYN that I planned to breast feed (BF) for three months, she was upbeat when she told me that I probably wouldn't and that I would probably give up before then. She said that people who goal set for three months usually wouldn't make it that long (I have a very straight-forward, no-nonsense type of physician). Anyhow, three months has come and gone, and guess what?!?! I'm still going
I will say that this is possibly the most annoying, toughest thing I have ever done. It seems like every time I turn around, I am nursing. And, on top of that, it's usually pumping. Bryce only gets the real thing once a day in the evening, otherwise he gets expressed breast milk. I have been able to keep up with Bryce (thanks to my 2am pumping sessions every night), but I must say I'm beginning to get a little tired of this routine. I think after the holidays I'll give up my 2am time, and risk getting less milk. I figure that we could eventually supplement with formula if necessary. However, it is definitely nice not to have to worry about the cost of formula, and pumping less would mean more sleep for mom!
Anyhow, I just thought I would share, because I'm pretty happy that I have been able to do this for so long. My work has been very accommodating with a nursing room where mothers can pump, equipped with a sink and fridge. I go down there three times during the work day to pump, so it's very accommodating.
We'll see if I can make it to six months...
Monday, December 6, 2010
Three Months
A few days ago, Bryce turned 3 months. When I think about three months, it makes me think of the first trimester of pregancy. I really never thought it would end...a lot of nausea with many a night and morning spent over the toilet, and endless exhaustion.
Now, three months has a totally different meaning. Time just flew by, I'm so sad to report all the wonderful things that Bryce is doing for the first time, as his 'firsts' are going by so fast!
Here is what he's been up to since the the two month milestone:
- Talking-- well, in his own terms. He just likes to answer you when you ask him a question, and often he'll just coo to hear himself make noises. It's so funny because his pitch changes and it's as if he's trying to mimic us.
- Laughing-- Sean is great at getting him to laugh. He does it for me too, but Bryce just likes silly faces-- one of Sean's talents!!! Ha!!
- Consistently sleeping through the night. Yes, I'm actually kind of sad. He sleeps right on through. 8pm - 7am-- every night. We wake him up for one last bottle at 11pm (just to ensure he'll actually make it through the night), but he goes right back down. I'll miss our midnight and 3am feedings...I love that bonding time. Now that it's over, I think I'll cherish it even more, but I must say I do enjoy my sleep. Now I just get up in the middle of the night to pump...still a pain, but I'm up and back asleep in less than a half hour.
- Eating, eating, and more eating. Talk about growing...this kiddo is so long. We haven't measured or weighed him in awhile, but he's a growing boy.
- Slobbering. Yuck. He tries to eat everything, including my shirt, his hands, his toys-- which leads to lots of bubbles and lots of slobbering. Not a fan of the wet chin.
- Soon to be out of size one diapers-- they still fit, just snug.
- Size 3-6 month clothing. It's a bit big, but the 0-3 months clothes are just too short. So funny because I remember when he couldn't even fit into the 0-3 month stuff because it was just too huge!!!
- Loving the swing and Christmas lights we put up on the tree. His swing faces the tree-- he loves it. And so do we-- that's where he goes when he gets fussy :) The teachers at school love it too for him! Ha!
That's all for now. :) Keep growing Bryce! We love you!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Where has the time gone?
Merry Christmas Baby Bryce! God's Blessings to our little 3 month old!
How about this pic?!? All boy.
Holy cow! Mom has been so behind in her postings! So much has been happening it's so hard to keep up!
Bryce had a wonderful first Thanksgiving! We first saw Sean's dad and step mom-- Grandpa and Grammy Reedy. Then, we drove to see Sean's aunts and uncles and cousins (too many to count) up in the Poconos. I don't think Bryce was ever put down-- all of his aunts and cousins wanted to hold him! (Happy dance for us, a little break for mom and dad!)
The day after Thanksgiving we flew to Houston for the weekend. Bryce was a rockstar on his first flight. He slept the whole way! In Houston, Bryce met two of his uncles, my brothers, Dan and Rob, and his aunt Sammy. He also met my grandparents, his Great Grandparents. And if that wasn't enough he also met my cousins and aunts and their kiddos (one of them is only two weeks older than Bryce).
Bryce waiting to meet Santa!!
November 28, 2010
(And I'm holding his hands down in this pic, because this is his new favorite thing-- eating his hands).
Great Grandma Krenz! She's making him laugh!! Thanks Grandma!
Look at this beautiful girl. This is Sammy, my brother's wife.
But I like to be held by mom :) and I like to suck my hands.
Mommy's Cousin Keri!!! Keri lives in AZ, and I have known her my whole life. Even though she so far away, we are still so close and we pick up right where we left off each time. Love you couz!

How Awesome is this! Bryce loves Gramps Krenz, and looks like him too.
All Laugh!
Cute boys. Sean, and brothers Dan and Rob.
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