Merry Christmas Baby Bryce! God's Blessings to our little 3 month old!
How about this pic?!? All boy.
Holy cow! Mom has been so behind in her postings! So much has been happening it's so hard to keep up!
Bryce had a wonderful first Thanksgiving! We first saw Sean's dad and step mom-- Grandpa and Grammy Reedy. Then, we drove to see Sean's aunts and uncles and cousins (too many to count) up in the Poconos. I don't think Bryce was ever put down-- all of his aunts and cousins wanted to hold him! (Happy dance for us, a little break for mom and dad!)
The day after Thanksgiving we flew to Houston for the weekend. Bryce was a rockstar on his first flight. He slept the whole way! In Houston, Bryce met two of his uncles, my brothers, Dan and Rob, and his aunt Sammy. He also met my grandparents, his Great Grandparents. And if that wasn't enough he also met my cousins and aunts and their kiddos (one of them is only two weeks older than Bryce).
Bryce waiting to meet Santa!!
November 28, 2010
(And I'm holding his hands down in this pic, because this is his new favorite thing-- eating his hands).
Great Grandma Krenz! She's making him laugh!! Thanks Grandma!
Look at this beautiful girl. This is Sammy, my brother's wife.
But I like to be held by mom :) and I like to suck my hands.
Mommy's Cousin Keri!!! Keri lives in AZ, and I have known her my whole life. Even though she so far away, we are still so close and we pick up right where we left off each time. Love you couz!

How Awesome is this! Bryce loves Gramps Krenz, and looks like him too.
All Laugh!
Cute boys. Sean, and brothers Dan and Rob.
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