Sunday, October 7, 2012

Still Catching Up

People keep asking us if/when we are having more kids.  I love telling them that we have such great babies and there is no way we are having any more.  I tell you wise/older parents, I do not know how you do/did it.  I mean, this is not easy; not at all.  I do not know how you keep your sanity.  I would not trade this for the world...well, on second thought...

My ranting comes as a result of a seriously terrible two year old.  Every thing is a fight.  Examples from this morning:

- Bryce, cars go on the ground not the furniture
- Bryce, please do not pick your nose
- Bryce, please do not pee on the floor when daddy puts you down without a diaper for 2 seconds
- Bryce, let's take a bath.  Oh, you hate your bath nowadays?
- Bryce, let's get out of the bath, now you don't want to get out?  (ugh.)
- Bryce, let's take a nap.  Oh, you want to sit on the potty for 10 minutes to avoid your bed?
- Bryce, please don't feed Rudy your food
- Bryce, please do not eat Rudy's food.  (Yes, he still does this...)
- Bryce, please do not swing your golf club at the TV
- Bryce, please do not throw your basketball at the TV...ugh
- Bryce, please do not stand next to the TV stand when you sneeze (twice today he's hit his head doing this)
- Bryce, please do not scream in mommy's ear or in daddy's ear or in baby Ryan's ear

And the list goes on and on and on.  He rarely comes home from daycare without an 'incident report' where he has either gotten bitten, didn't use his 'walking feet' and fell, or has not allowed other kids to share either his books or cars.

On the other hand, we have beautiful kiddos, and at least they love each other...thus far!

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