You are 8-Months Ryan girl. Eight.whole.months.
Where does the time go? You are a mover and a shaker-- literally. I need to capture this on camera because when you are happy and excited, you dance from side to side. It's hilarious, and you have the ladies at school talking about it all the time. You make people smile.
You have lots of friends at school. Everyone likes to come over to you and be social with you. It's like you are little miss popular in the infant room. Maybe it's because they like your hearing aids? (Which by the way, are getting less and less use these days. I cannot wait to turn those suckers in.)
We are super excited about your CI surgery in less than 3-weeks. We cannot even hardly stand it. The tubes are hopefully doing their job, and keeping those ears clear, so let's keep our fingers crossed for this go-round. More on all that later.
You are not a huge fan of food. I will say, you are pretty picky, or you just don't like much other than puffs. You eat your food, but it takes forever. I mean, seriously, forever. You are just not a big fan, and I cannot find anything that you like really. Except the puffs of course. You stop crying when you get puffs. Every time. Sigh.
You sleep on your belly these days. In the morning, when I have to get you up for your bottle, you are always on your belly. You look so peaceful and so cute. Unlike your brother, you pretty much lie flat on your belly. Your big brother rarely sleeps on his belly, and when he does, he is usually on his knees, not on his belly. (Which BTW, is definitely hilarious to see him sleep like this.)
You roll a lot these days-- back and forth, back and forth. You have yet to figure out the crawling thing and you have yet to figure out how to go from your belly to sitting. This is okay by me. You just sit there and play with all your toys in front of you. Bryce was never like this. Ever.
And, you are quite the diva. Everyone, supplies you with the cutest looking outfits with the cute small bows. Hopefully more hair will start coming in more soon?!
We had the chance to go to the Phillies game last Tuesday evening. It was so fun! Advanced Bionics invited us to be a part of the support team for Jacob Landis, who is raising money for those in need of financial assistance for cochlear implants. You can go to the website if you are interested in learning more: Thanks Advanced Bionics, and a special thanks to our contact, Beth Anne MacDonald, who invited us and has been a consistently supportive person through our entire journey with Ryan.
Next game-- we'll be able to hear the crowd! Go Phillies!
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