Saturday, December 25, 2010
Bryce's First Christmas
Let's start from the beginning. First, Sean, Bryce and I ventured over to Ridgway, Colorado this year for Christmas. My parents bought a vacation home up on this mountain where there are members of a golf country club. The home is also about 35 miles away from the popular ski resort of Telluride.
The plane ride went really well for the most part. We had to leave the house at 4am the morning of the 23rd, where we caught our flight from Philly to Atlanta. Although long lines awaited us at the airport, checking in and getting through security was virtually painless. Bryce slept much of the flight and we were so lucky because Sean and I got a row of three to ourselves. Once we arrived in Atlanta I had to find a place to pump-- fun times. Accomplished.
Our layover was short lived (thank goodness), and despite our plane waiting in line on the runway, the airlines were on time for the most part. The second part of our trip was 3.5 hours, and Bryce was getting so ancy because he was so tired since we were up so early and he really didn't have quality sleep on the first flight. Thank God that this flight was also not full, and after a 20 minute temper tantrum, I moved to an open row of two where I could lay Bryce on his back in the seat next to me...lifesaver. I think everyone on the plane also appreciated it.
Okay, so here is the bad parenting. Since we have been here (a total of three days and two nights), Sean and I have been skiing our little hearts out. Up at the crack of dawn to get in two full days of skiing-- grammy is heaven watching our baby, so I don't feel bad there. I do feel bad about leaving him with her today-- CHRISTMAS-- of all days to hit the slopes.
Oh well, he'll live and he'll never remember. Anyway, I think we're celebrating Christmas more tomorrow when my brothers arrive.
I'll definitely take some pics of the new area. We all love it-- such a great getaway and so much fun being only 45 minutes away from a great ski mountain.
We hope everyone had a wonderful and blessed Christmas!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
A Letter from Bryce
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
Three Months
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Where has the time gone?
Holy cow! Mom has been so behind in her postings! So much has been happening it's so hard to keep up!

Monday, November 15, 2010
Blow Out
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Falling into Leaves
Bryce the Jay Hawk Fan
Monday, November 8, 2010
Baby's Schedule
This weekend Bryce had a great time. He went and met one of his great grandmas, Grandma McLaughlin. He had a wonderful time being held and fed by her, as she wanted to keep him for herself. (I personally don’t understand this logic since she has TEN, yes TEN, children of her own.) Bryce is her seventh great grandchild. And those great grandchildren are all a product of Sean’s mom. None of Sean’s mom’s other nine siblings have grandchildren yet (I don’t think). Bryce must have been on his best behavior there because he was certainly back to his ‘hell raiser’ self upon returning home. He managed to keep Sean and I up for most of the night on Friday night and Saturday night. There was not much sleep to be had in the Reedy household. I’m convinced it must be another growing spurt—this is what I tell myself anyway.
Last night however, was another wonderful act of God. He slept nine hours. Thank goodness! I must say those nine wonderful hours were preceded by an hour and a half of full out screaming. I think he’s just tired, and on top of that he has a cold so we are not a happy camper. Sean and I just wear out over how much crying he does in the evenings.
I’ve decided that this whole going back to work thing at eight weeks was not a smart move. Not because I’m not ready, but more because Bryce is not ready. And since he is not ready, I’m exhausted all the time. Someone please tell me this gets better. On a bright note, we have a morning routine and night routine down. It goes something like the following:
(1) 5:15am, Kate’s alarm
(2) 5:25am-5:45am pumping away
(3) 5:45am- 6am—get bottles defrosted and all ready for school
(4) 6am-6:45am—shower, getting ready, listening to Bryce move around in his crib and praying that he doesn’t start screaming before I have to get him
(5) 6:45am—get Bryce up, changed, clothed and downstairs to eat
(6) 6:45am—7:20am—Bryce eating and playing time—best time of day for him, Mr. Smiley
(7) 7:20am---7:40am—finish getting myself dressed, packing my pump, packing my snacks
(8) 7:40am—Sean decides he better wake up (or I force him up) Love you honey
(9) 7:45ish to 8am—Done playing with Bryce and I’m out the door off to work. All Sean has to do is put him in the car, drive the half mile to school and drop him off (probably a 10-15 minute roundtrip depending on efficiency upon arriving at school)
(10) 8-8:15—at my computer at work
It’s seriously amazing that it takes me 3 hours from arise time to work time. I used to do this same routine, except I would get a solid one-hour workout at the gym in the mornings. I definitely miss that routine, but, I would never replace my current routine with the former.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Having Fun in the Jungle
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Two Month Birthday!!
- Weight: 11 lbs., 2oz-- 40 percentile for his age
- Height: 23 inches-- 50th percentile for his age
- He received several shots in his leg, and I'm proud to say he's such a little man and only screams for 5 seconds and then is just fine and happy again. (Weird kid, I mean who doesn't cry at shots?!?!) Overall, it was a success and Bryce is doing great!
- Here's some extra stuff that we have been up to this month:
- Bryce's best face is his little pouting face. He loves to pout-- he sticks his lower lip out and makes this face that reads, 'I'm mad, help me.'
- He also smiles, but not that much yet. His best 'smiling' time is in the morning. He's so happy just watching us in the morning.
- We have him on a pretty great schedule, as we are following the Baby Wise book, which is so great because he's becoming pretty predictable in terms of when he wants to eat. He's so great at his school and takes three bottles from them each day.
- We had two glorious nights this week-- Monday night he slept 10 hours straight and Tuesday night he slept 8 hours straight! I'm loving the extra sleep, especially since I started work this week.
- He's in 0-3 month clothing, although I'm finding that some of those brands run small, and he's starting to be too long for some things. I find this hard to believe, as his newborn clothes were sooo big on him at first, and there's no way he could fit in those now!
- He's a tummy time fan!!! Although he likes it to take naps on more than he enjoys the actual pushing himself up! Too funny.
- He's a big mirror fan. He enjoys watching himself in the mirror on his playmat. He'll stare into that thing for 20 minutes or until we pick him up.
- The swing is our lifesaver-- when he's crying unconsolably, he goes straight to the swing, watches the mobile on the swing, and then he promptly falls asleep.
- He loves his crib (thank God). He watches his mobile on his crib a lot and he also has an awesome Rainforest Soother that plays sounds for him to help him learn to self soothe himself.