Monday, November 15, 2010

Blow Out

We have officially been inducted to the Parent Blowout club.

Actually, let me be more specific, Sean has been inducted to this club, not me. Sean told me that today he came home from school a 'little angel' as Sean says. Sean picked Bryce up and was holding him on our wonderful new rocker recliner (thank God for Laz-y-boy), when Sean noticed a weird 'vinegar' smell. Sean said that he then noticed his arm was a little yellow (ewwww). Anyhow, long story short, yuckie stuff up his back. Official blowout.
Sean, like a pro, got him in a bath and all dried and ready for me when I got home from work. I think I missed all the action by about 15minutes. This is one I'm glad I missed.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing Katie! I now know where to turn when I need a little mid-day smile or laugh ;)
