Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Holy Movement
Sunday, July 25, 2010
The Things People Say
Baby Showers
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Childbirth Ed Class
Today I suffered through 8 grueling hours of 'Prepared Childbirth Education'. And guess what?! I'm so glad I went. I actually know so much more than I did before, and I think that any anxiety I might have had about 'Cobra's' debut has been lessened (somewhat). The few videos the instructor showed, although graphic, were definitely enlightening. From 'The Stages of Labor' to my childbirth medication options was really helpful. I definitely have come away with better expectations. Unfortunately, Sean couldn't come because he was traveling for work. I
A Few More Highlights from Second Trimester

Saturday, July 10, 2010
Second Trimester

First Trimester
First Trimester--
Possibly the most un-fun three months of my life. Thank goodness I had a lot going on at work, which was a blessing in disguise as the fast paced environment helped to keep my mind off of the unending 24/7 nausea. For the most part, I managed to keep my slowly growing belly a secret at work mainly by sticking to bathrooms other than the one on my floor. This trimester was also hard because I went from being a very active gym rat to one that went to bed at 7pm and woke at 7am, just about 7 days a week. Poor Sean, he gained ten pounds this first tri-mester-- I think I gained about five. Although we were VERY excited about our upcoming baby, and my friends would guess which gender it would turn out to be, I remember thinking to myself, I just don't know how women do this, will this feeling of nausea and tiredness ever end?? Sean even treated me to the 1pm showing of the Kirov ballet for Valentine's Day in Washington D.C., which was the best present ever, but he thought I wasn't going to make it because I didn't get up until the last second possible just in time to catch a quick bite to eat and make our way right into the theatre. (Which, if you know me, this never happens...)
The Day We Found Out

It was January 2nd, when I finally wised up and took a pregnancy test. It was positive, and just as any young lady would do, I sent Sean back to the pharmacy to buy two more different pregnancy test brands, just to ensure that the first wasn't a false positive. And, at the doctor's appointment that following Monday afternoon, as the nurse evaluated my elevated hormone level, she said to me, 'You aren't just pregnant, you are VERY pregnant!!' My interpretation of this comment meant 'Idiot, what the heck have you been doing, didn't you notice you were three weeks late?!?!'