I wanted to provide a few highlights during my second trimester. First, this year I turned 30, and Sean somehow managed to successfully (almost) pull off a surprise party for me. It was so thoughtful and so much fun. Our friends and family were able to come out and celebrate my 30th birthday at a restaurant in center city, Philly. We also had a great weekend just hanging out in the city all weekend and staying at the Rittenhouse Hotel, complete with some pampering at the spa. It was definitely a memorable birthday. Kudos to Sean :)

Finally, in the last couple weeks of my second trimester, I traveled to Chicago for my friend, Kristen's, bachelorette party! It was so great to see such great friends one more time before 'Cobra' makes his big debut. We had a FANTASTIC and memorable time in Chi-town. These SMU girls have been such a huge part of my life and I am so thankful that we are all still so close. This trip was also significant for me because I bought 'Cobra's' very first baby outfit. Something he'll be able to wear home from the hospital. So precious! I can't wait to see him in it!
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