Back to normal...sort of. Still fatigued, but the nausea was gone (thank goodness)!!! I honestly think I could have gotten away without telling anyone I was pregnant until about 20 weeks, as I never really started to even pop until about this week. But I decided that sharing our happy news at 14 weeks with the rest of the world (i.e. facebook) at this point would be fine. We had our 20-week ultrasound where we found out he was a very healthy baby boy! That was so fun. I'll post a couple of 3-D pics-- he's a spitting image of Sean at this
point. My two brothers, Dan and Rob, decided that they would lovingly nickname him 'Cobra', and somehow, my whole family is already calling him this. But not to worry, Cobra is only our temporary name until Sean and I come to a consensus on the whole name decision. (Which by the way, is super hard.) Unfortunately, I don't get anymore ultrasounds unless I have complications, so this was the only look we'll get of him until his arrival day. Overall, this was a pretty quiet three months, besides the one night we almost made a run to the ER because he was pushing on my liver so bad I thought I might die. And, oh yeah, I blacked-out a couple of times, once at home, once at work, but not to worry-- all is normal.
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