Wednesday, March 23, 2011



Everyday is a new adventure. It seems like every single day Bryce does something new. If you just blink, you miss out.

Last week, he learned how to hold his sippy cup and drink it all by himself. We don't have enough sippy cups, so he still gets a bottle sometimes, but at least half the time he uses his sippy cup all on his own. And, he's got the bottle holding down too. Funny.

This week he has learned to take his binky and put it in his mouth himself. And let me just say that Sean and I are learning that we need to not give this to him unless he absolutely needs it. (Much easier said than done because remember, he is at school 8 hours a day, so who knows what goes on there...)
Sean and I are trying to give it to him only at bed time now. I should video tape this because it is absolutely amazing that this little binky has become his soothing mechanism. When he's tired, he'll be cranky, rub his eyes, and get all ancey if you are holding him. As soon as you give him that binky, he is out in about 5 seconds. And I am not exaggerating on this one-- just ask Sean.

Maybe next week he'll be feeding himself too. Then maybe he'll change his own diaper? (I can only wish).

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