Friday, February 22, 2013

Set Backs

Well, what started out to be a fantastic week took a 180 degree sharp turn by its end.  We started out the week on Monday with Ryan's official 6-month check up at the pediatrician.  Healthy baby girl statistics netted out at 10% for height and 30% weight.  Again, I think those cheeks make up a good portion of that weight.  She had all her little vaccinations and she only let out one yelp, and a tear was shed, and that was about it.  Tough girl.

Wednesday, we went down to A.I. Dupont in Wilmington for two reasons.  First, we picked out her cochlear implant manufacturer and afterwards, we went over to the research facility to do another (unseated) ABR.  After a very thorough review of all three devices (thank you Leisl!) we are very happy to report that Sean and I chose Advanced Bionics as our manufacturer of choice for Ryan, for many reasons.  We are very excited to be partnering with their team.
After this, Ryan and I went over to the Research Center across the street.  They wanted to do another ABR with and without her hearing aids.  They basically wanted to get a baseline of brain measurement prior to CI implantation.  This way, after the CIs, she'll have a follow-up ABR, which will (should) display drastic differences in brain response.  I will say, that it was only slightly disappointing that there was still no brain activity even with the hearing aids on.  (sigh.  Please hurry bionic ears.)
We left the hospital that day with a planned date of March 4th for Ryan's surgery.

Unfortunately, (here's the 180 degree turn) Thursday morning, I received a phone call where I found out Ryan's surgery had been 'bumped.'  I won't get into the details, except to say that my heart immediately sank.  They have rescheduled her surgery (supposedly) for March 14 or 15th, but we have not been able to get confirmation on that yet.  We are so disappointed and just keep hoping that things will happen quickly for Ryan.  Additionally, it's not like Sean and I don't have careers.  It's so hard planning things for the both of us between traveling and the corporate world, it's tough.  I really don't think people at the hospital understand that fact, but I guess we will have to deal.

Say a little prayer for us and Ryan if you are reading!

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