Monday, June 10, 2013


Ryan is doing great.  She is still healing from the surgery.  Funny thing, she gets these strings on the outside of her scars.  Her body (I guess) is rejecting a couple of the stitches.  We took this video about a week ago because the ladies at daycare were a bit concerned as one of her scars on her left side looks a little sore.  So, what do I do?  I take pictures of course.

 Don't you love the close up of the her ear?  See that string?  It looks tiny in this pic, but it's really quite sore looking.  Then, this pic is just plain funny because it looks like there is a dent in her head-- not accurate.  In final pic we were  trying to see if we could get a snapshot of how swollen she seemed.
Then, we are happy with daddy standing on the counter.  Love this pic below.

And, we aren't so happy with daddy holding us upside down.

Anyway, back to the story... that night, I did what any mother would, I did not send the pictures to the ENT, or audiologist, or the pediatrician (partly because the pics doesn't capture what we hoped).  Nope, I took the tweezers and pulled the string out. Turns out, it was the knot that was stuck in her skin.  So I pulled out maybe a millimeter of string with a little knot.  Do not worry-- no blood or puss.  Just a little hole.  With Neosporin and some vaseline, it looks much better this week.  Not so red.
She has a few other little strings, but I'm not pulling those out...they do not look sore, so we'll see what our audiologist, Liesl, says this week when we see her.  Liesl will be letting more sound into Ryan's capacity of hearing this week (definitely not the correct terminology, but you get the point).  We are very excited as Ryan is definitely ready to let in more sound to continue to hear our world.  
Fun times in the Reedy household.

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