Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Holidays

The holidays were filled with many lasting memories and fun moments that led us into the start of a fantastic 2014.  Over the course of the last few weeks, since updating here, much has happened.

Let's start with Ryan's new words:  Otay (okay); Yet (yes); Dadda; Hi… there are probably more, but those are the ones that are said several times a day.  It is clear she understands language and most of our conversations.  When asked a 'yes/no' question, she'll respond with yes or no, whichever she prefers, which signals to us that she is definitely understanding language.

Next, Bryce… Mr. Superhero tried out skiing for the first time in Colorado…more pics to come on that…. he had a blast.  Besides acknowledging that stopping is overrated, he is a pro, and is getting really good at 'pizza'  (a wedge to stop) and 'french fries' (parallel legs to go).  His dream also came true when he received his police car from santa.  I think if he had just gotten that one gift he would have been just as happy as he is with the number of gifts santa, mom/dad, uncles/aunts, grammys/gramps all brought.

Some fun pics below:

Our favorite holiday shirts this year with our names on them:

 Bryce getting excited about his new police car when santa made his stop in Colorado!

Quality story time with gramps Krenz.

Being cute in the airport in our new comfy Juicy outfit and our new favorite stuffed animal, Boo.


 Kisses for Boo.

 Bryce, the serious superhero and our surprisingly look-alike Justin Bieber pose.

Just some new outfits to share with the world, and that cute face.

 Dadda time.

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