Monday, December 6, 2010

Three Months

A few days ago, Bryce turned 3 months. When I think about three months, it makes me think of the first trimester of pregancy. I really never thought it would end...a lot of nausea with many a night and morning spent over the toilet, and endless exhaustion.
Now, three months has a totally different meaning. Time just flew by, I'm so sad to report all the wonderful things that Bryce is doing for the first time, as his 'firsts' are going by so fast!
Here is what he's been up to since the the two month milestone:

- Talking-- well, in his own terms. He just likes to answer you when you ask him a question, and often he'll just coo to hear himself make noises. It's so funny because his pitch changes and it's as if he's trying to mimic us.
- Laughing-- Sean is great at getting him to laugh. He does it for me too, but Bryce just likes silly faces-- one of Sean's talents!!! Ha!!
- Consistently sleeping through the night. Yes, I'm actually kind of sad. He sleeps right on through. 8pm - 7am-- every night. We wake him up for one last bottle at 11pm (just to ensure he'll actually make it through the night), but he goes right back down. I'll miss our midnight and 3am feedings...I love that bonding time. Now that it's over, I think I'll cherish it even more, but I must say I do enjoy my sleep. Now I just get up in the middle of the night to pump...still a pain, but I'm up and back asleep in less than a half hour.
- Eating, eating, and more eating. Talk about growing...this kiddo is so long. We haven't measured or weighed him in awhile, but he's a growing boy.
- Slobbering. Yuck. He tries to eat everything, including my shirt, his hands, his toys-- which leads to lots of bubbles and lots of slobbering. Not a fan of the wet chin.
- Soon to be out of size one diapers-- they still fit, just snug.
- Size 3-6 month clothing. It's a bit big, but the 0-3 months clothes are just too short. So funny because I remember when he couldn't even fit into the 0-3 month stuff because it was just too huge!!!
- Loving the swing and Christmas lights we put up on the tree. His swing faces the tree-- he loves it. And so do we-- that's where he goes when he gets fussy :) The teachers at school love it too for him! Ha!

That's all for now. :) Keep growing Bryce! We love you!

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